Dismantling contractor search underway for Cypriot power station

The Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) has recommenced its international search for a contractor to undertake the turnkey demolition and dismantling works required to clear Moni Power Station.

The tender – which will close on 10 January 2022 – includes the clearance of six 30 MW steam and heavy oil-fired turbines and boiler generating units, all ancillary equipment including pipework, six chimney stacks, the turbine hall and annex, the administration building and switchyard.

RVA Group was appointed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic to develop this tender package in collaboration with the EAC team, and will continue to oversee this extensive assignment when works commence.

The project to date has seen RVA’s senior project manager Ellis Hutchinson lead on dialogue with local partners, specialising in the disciplines of safety management, structural engineering and geotechnical science. The goal, as always, is to assemble an experienced team capable of navigating this vast project safely, cost-effectively and with maximum respect for the environment, while also effectively overcoming any language and regulatory challenges.

It is anticipated that the project – 20km east of Limassol – will take approximately two years to complete. Further information can be found on the EAC website.
